This map ( is provided and controlled by Felsburg Holt & Ullevig. Social Pinpoint owns and operates the technology and intellectual property rights that power the Site.
Terms and Conditions
Social Pinpoint is subject to the following moderation rules:
- Never post personal information about another participant. This Includes identifying any individual by their real name if they have not already done so or providing personal contact information.
- Never identify a staff member of the consulting organization by name.
- Do not defame anyone or any organization. A comment is defamatory if it lowers or harms the reputation of a person or organization. If you wish to insult anyone, this is not the place to do it. If you wish to accuse anyone of wrongdoing or incompetence, this is not the place to do it.
- Do not post anything that could be considered intolerant of a person's race, culture, appearance, gender, sexual preference, religion, or age.
- Do not be obscene and do not use foul language. Lots of people from different backgrounds participate on this website. We want them to be able to continue to do so from home, work, school, university or wherever they may be. Disguising swear words by deliberately misspelling them doesn't make them any less offensive.
- Do not personally insult or harass other participants. Always focus on the logic of the argument rather than the individuals involved in the argument. Participants are entitled to choose not to enter into debate with you.
- Do not post or link to any inappropriate, offensive, or illegal material. Do not post any advertisements.
- Do not promote self-harm, suicide, violence, or criminal activity of any kind.
- The use of emoji’s or images to convey inappropriate meaning consistent with the rules outlined above will also be moderated.
- Please do not raise concerns about the moderation on the site as it disrupts the flow of any discussion. Please direct any queries regarding moderation directly to moderation team at
Breaches of the moderation rules will be dealt with as follows:
Removal of comment - any comment that, in the view of the moderator, breaches the rules will be removed.
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Automatic Blocking - a participant who posts or links to inappropriate, offensive, or illegal material will be immediately blocked from the site.
By using the Social Pinpoint Mapping Tool / Ideas Wall you are taken to have accepted these Terms and Conditions set out below. If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us.
Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
- You agree: Comments submitted are relevant to the project; That you will not post comments or take any action that infringes or violates someone else's rights or otherwise violates the law; and That you will not use the Social Pinpoint Mapping Tool / Ideas Wall to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory.
- You agree to indemnify Social Pinpoint for any loss, costs, or damages, arising from or relating in any way, to your use, reliance, or acceptance of information or other content on this website.
- You agree to release Social Pinpoint from and against all actions, proceedings, suits, claims, demands, compensation, interest, damages, costs, charges, and expenses whatsoever in relation to your use of the Social Pinpoint Community Mapping Tool / Ideas Wall.
- You agree to give the right to review, edit, modify, publish, or decline publication of your comments and also agree that comments submitted may be visible for all other users of the Social Pinpoint Community Mapping Tool / Ideas Wall.
- You agree that copyright in the content data submitted and displayed on the Social Pinpoint Mapping Tool / Ideas Wall is owned by Social Pinpoint.
You may contact us if you would like to withdraw your comment(s) or personal information.
To the extent permitted by law, Social Pinpoint does not accept any liability in respect of the content posted on the Social Pinpoint Community Mapping Tool / Ideas Wall.
Map layers and their associated labels are not controlled or provided by Social Pinpoint - layers may contain errors or inconsistencies and should be used for reference only.
Social Pinpoint does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or suitability of any such information and makes no warranty or representation about the content of this website.
Social Pinpoint is not liable to you or anyone else if damage or interference to your computer system(s) occurs in connection with your use of this web site or its content.
- "Social Pinpoint" means Social Pinpoint Pty Ltd, its agents or assigns
- “Social Pinpoint Mapping Tool / Ideas Wall” means the features and services made available through this website.
“Comment” or “Comments” means anything you or others post on the Social Pinpoint Mapping Tool / Ideas Wall.